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Guide for self-hosting Karrot

There are many ways to deploy Karrot, only the first one listed here is officially supported with half-decent docs.

Co-op Cloud

This comes with it's own section, so head over to Co-op Cloud.


This is the only approach that you can probably just follow all the guides and get something working

Docker Compose

You might be able to conjure up a docker-compose.yml using the compose.yml from our Co-op Cloud recipe.

Coming soon

In the future these docs will provide a more in-depth guide to using docker compose for hosting Karrot.

Have a look at our Karrot Releases which has information about the docker images we publish.

Git checkout

You can run Karrot backend directly from the git repo.

You need to know what you're doing

You'll likely need some knowledge about deploying python and django apps

  • install the dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt
  • run Karrot commands using python -m karrot.cli

You also need the frontend.